Sunday, January 4, 2009

And here we go!

Hi friends. This is Shelley, who you may remember as the one that does the crosswords during class and being family dinner hostess. This blog is for US as we bumble, gawk, attempt, and finally kick ass at our externships! We'll be able to give updates from our places, ask questions, share advice from our mentors, and just generally applaud each other.

Right now it is Sunday before we start. Tell us about your first day! What was awesome, what was a little mind-blowing. Miss you all.


  1. Oh hi! Look at me comment, so easy and wonderful!

    Upcoming topics for discussion include:
    EBP as a means of torture.
    EdZapp can zap my ass.
    What do I need to graduate?
    Why is everyone so awesome!?!?

  2. i have never blogged before, so take pity on me. Miss you guys!


  3. Is anyone else as tired as I am? I never made it out of bed before 8am over the break, so this morning's alarm nearly killed me.

    Hope everyone enjoyed their first day back!

  4. Hey people I recognize!!!

    Mindy I am sooooooo tired it is pitiful. Okay I am going to read everything else.

    Miss you all.

