Monday, January 5, 2009

The First Day

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. And now we can say we've begun the trek down for our winter externship. Booya!

Could be a nice thing if we all got to read about who was doing what and such.

My first day started with a movie. Or rather, a filmed lecture about high functioning autism/aspbergers. Then me, my slp, and other slps from 4j went to lunch! They were all talking about the movies they saw and the books they were reading-it gave me hope that recreational reading is in the future. The rest of the day was reviewing the caseload and just talking about the kids. Overall, not terrible, but I'm sure not the most exciting first day. How was yours?


  1. Why isn't anyone commenting? Aren't you all filled with enthusiasm and a desire to share with your cohort? And are we supposed to be doing something about our EBP or work sample? I am ignoring them both, but I'm afraid that my nonchalance will bite me in the ass.

  2. You know Mindy, that is a very good point. I myself am having a blast at Edgewood. I'm already being thrown in and taking over groups and my SLP says that she's just going to start giving me more this week. HIlarious. Of course, I also heard about a hiring freeze for 4J, which kinda totally bums me out. How is your externship miss s'berg?

  3. Hey I am sooooo excited to be doing an EBP. I am a liar, liar! lol Oh and the work sample - even more excited to do that. Shhh, don't tell my kids that I am such a terrible liar.

    Miss Mindy, you are going to see my hosting slp tomorrow. If you can, you should try to stick around for one of her social thinking groups from 12:15 - 1. That is a unique program. I will be in and out as tomorrow is my observe-others day.

    I love my externship but gosh I am so tempted to call in late or sick!!! I am becoming a total slackard or just had the ever living life sucked out of me by grad school. Yeah, I think I will go with that last one. =)
